
Finding Your Favorite Shawl Shape

In my recent shawl knitting survey somebody asked me for my favorite shawl shape. My first reaction: favorite in which role? As a designer, knitter or for wearing a shawl?

The answer really depends on which way you’re looking at it.

A Designer’s Favorite Shawl Shape

Looking at it from a designer’s perspective I fancy adjustable shawl shapes. I mean, really, who likes running out of yarn in the middle of an experimental knitting project?

I sure don’t.

New designs are experimental knitting projects, at least most of the time. So the more familiar I am with the construction of a certain shape, the easier it is for me as a shawl designer.

Repeating the same things over and over can get boring, though. Stepping out of my comfort zone is important because I’m always open for a challenge.

Favorite Shawl Shapes From a Shawl Knitter’s Perspective

As a knitter I have not only one but more favorite shawl shapes, depending on – interesting enough – yarn weight.

I love knitting triangles worked sideways in fingering or worsted weight shawl. Just a little yarn over every other row, and knitting away. Mindless TV Netflix knitting at its best.

Working in lace weight yarn I prefer triangles with side panels, or stoles. I’m not a particular fan of working square shawls (why knit one when I’m folding it into a triangle for wearing later anyway? You get the point).

Favorite Shawl Shape for Wearing

Put it this way: I’m wearing shawls for the sake of keeping me warm during the cold season. Basically, for us, shawls are a way of replacing old school scarves. And thus, this is how we wear them: Tied around our necks.

All shawl shapes fitting this purpose are welcome in our house. This pretty much rules out circular shawls, and square shawls too. They can be folded and tied afterwards but things tend to get bulky around your neck soon, so no, thank you.

From a convenience fashion perspective, I therefor prefer stoles, triangle and crescent shawls. Vortex shawls are fine, too.

Finding your favorite shawl shape

What’s Your Favorite Shawl Shape?

Which shawl shape are you knitting most? Which ones are your favorites to wear? And if you’re a shawl designer, which shapes do you like most?

Tell me about your favorite shawl shapes by leaving a comment below!

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