New Pattern: Ceratium Cornutum
I’m very happy to announce the release of the Ceratium Cornutum shawl knitting pattern, the next shawl from the Knitting Art Forms of Nature project.
Ceratium Cornutum is a modified Kite (triangle) shawl lave and stockinette stitch.
This pattern has been inspired by the illustration of the species Ceratium Cornutum (Slide #14: Peridinium, No. 7) in Ernst Haeckel’s book Kunstformen der Natur.
You can get the pattern on Ravelry or in the shop. Feel free to use the coupon code “helloautumn” (without the quotes) to get 30% off all patterns and books until the end of October 2019. The code is valid both on Ravelry and here in the shop.
Yours truly,
Julia <3