Hello, Summer Holiday Knitting!
Summer holiday knitting is at the doorstep! The last weeks have been tremendously busy for me. (I wish I could say that’s something extraordinary but in fact it’s not. That’s me.)
I was busy producing my new lace knitting online course, preparing a second iteration of Successful Shawl Design and took exams in histology, chemistry, sociology and psychology.
And even more news: this blog is going to move to a brand new domain: knitting.today (yes, I really could secure this domain name – wowza!).
But let’s start at the beginning.
Upcoming Online Courses
Besides finishing my summer term exams I finalized the upcoming new flagship course Successful Lace Knitting and was planning the second iteration of my Successful Shawl Design online course.
The mini course on lace knitting is still open for you to sign up – I decided to make it available just a little longer, signups will close later this week – and in case you still want to join you can sign up here.
Successful Shawl Design opened in November last year and received tremendous positive feedback. Some of my former students have started to publish and sell patterns already! I’m so proud of how all this turned out so positively for everybody.
This year, I will host a second iteration of this famous course. Signups will open soon and be announced here and via the mailing list, so watch your inbox for news on this subject!
Med School & Summer Holiday Knitting
University is over and won’t start again until October, so I’m going to have LOTS of free time available for knitting in the next weeks. Currently, I’m in the middle of knitting the fifth design for the Plant Anatomy project.
And even more exciting news are in the queue: This blog, jriede.com, will move to its new domain knitting.today over the next weeks. I’ll tell you more about my motivation and the transition timeline in a separate post coming later this week. All content available here – the tutorials, series, and my knitting patterns – will be available on the new site, too.
What Are You Up To This Summer?
Are you busy knitting or just relaxing in the sun? Let me know what’s up in YOUR summer holiday by leaving a comment below!