Yarn Porn Day #1: Yarn Indulgences Indulgent Love
This week’s yarn porn comes from Canada: Indulgent Love by Yarn Indulgences.
Yarn Indulgences is a small yarn dyeing company and shop owned by Deborah Ogden.
The fiber content of this yarn sounds a little surprising at first but turns out to be an awesome combination: 50% Alpaca, 25% silk and 25% linen.
Browsing Deborah’s shop I came across more lovely colorways of this yarn, for example Indulgent Love in Chambourg (shown below) …

… or in a color named Lapis. As soon as you see the yarn (shown below) you know why it’s the perfect name for it.

If that’s not yarn porn I don’t know what else is. I’m knitting shawls with it currently and it looks even better when knitted – but more on this tomorrow.
What is your all-time favorite yarn? Let me know by leaving a comment below!
Far and away, my favourite yarn is Northbound Knitting (NBK) by Lisa Mutch in Barrie, Ontario. My favourite colorway is Metallurgy on merino silk DK.